Holiday Decor Storage
Holiday Decor Storage
Holiday decor can be a special kind of organization monster. It’s easy to throw it all in a bin and feel semi-organized, but then somehow every few years we find ourselves wondering how we accumulated so much decor that we don’t even use! So what’s the solution? Well, we have a few tips that will make putting away holiday decor more productive and seamless!
STEP ONE: INVENTORY - Take inventory of your decor items and purge - this is best done right after Christmas so you can easily remember what you used and what you didn’t. But even if it’s a few months post-Christmas, it is worth the time to take a few hours one day and lay it all out! We recommend using your garage if you have one or even just a living room. Make sure you can see EVERYTHING! Are there items you didn’t use this year? If so, why not? Goodwill is waiting ;)
STEP TWO: PREP FOR STORAGE - We are all about bins here at Stored Simply - nice Christmas storage bins with labels makes our hearts soar. However, with holiday decor - ornaments can easily become stashed in old newspapers in the same bin as the nativity scenes, garland gets tangled with the lights, and the tree topper is lost every few years… SO, with your inventory list in hand, pick a few new organization items. A few ideas:
Christmas Ornament Storage (eliminate excess paper trying to keep them safe!)
STEP THREE: CONSOLIDATE AND STORE AWAY - This is where Christmas storage bins DO come in handy. Start by arranging the smallest items into bins (an example would be all of your nicely wrapped Christmas lights being placed in a large bin with a Christmas ornament storage box). Since you only remove holiday decor once per year, it doesn’t have to be in the most accessible spot.
These three steps will save you so much time and effort when the holidays roll around. Your future self will thank you!!!